If you are applying for a youth sport grant, you will need to complete this process before registering for the team. Please select your financial partner from the below three options.
Once you have applied contact registration@eastsideeaglesmb.ca before you register.
We will help to set up your childs registrations for the 2024 season.
Please note that the financial support does not cover the fundraising fee included in registrations.
We provide grants to help cover the costs of registration fees so that all kids aged 18 and under in Winnipeg can play a season of sport.
Our chapter accepts applications and administers grants of up to $500 per child/year, for kids who live in Winnipeg, or in one of the other communities we serve. If you live outside of Winnipeg please v
We provide grants to help cover the costs of registration fees so that all kids aged 18 and under in Winnipeg can play a season of sport.
Our chapter accepts applications and administers grants of up to $500 per child/year, for kids who live in Winnipeg, or in one of the other communities we serve. If you live outside of Winnipeg please visit the KidSport Manitoba page to find out what chapter you belong to.
Sometimes, families need financial assistance to get their kids into a sport or physical activity. We're committed to helping all families access a range of activities, from boxing to bowling and skating to skiing, and more.
The Individual Child Grant system is scheduled to open on January 29th, 2024.
Sometimes, families need financial assistance to get their kids into a sport or physical activity. We're committed to helping all families access a range of activities, from boxing to bowling and skating to skiing, and more.
The Individual Child Grant system is scheduled to open on January 29th, 2024.
The Winnipeg Blue Bombers are proud to partner with Bell MTS on a new grant program to help over 100 youth play football in 2022 by covering registration costs.
The new grant will support families who require financial assistance, providing an opportunity for youth to register at one of the 14 clubs affiliated with the Manitoba Minor Foot
The Winnipeg Blue Bombers are proud to partner with Bell MTS on a new grant program to help over 100 youth play football in 2022 by covering registration costs.
The new grant will support families who require financial assistance, providing an opportunity for youth to register at one of the 14 clubs affiliated with the Manitoba Minor Football Association (MMFA).
The Winnipeg Blue Bombers are committed to continue their efforts to grow youth football by looking for ways to make the game more accessible in the province.
Grants of up to $400 will be available to help families pay for registration fees for tackle football programs offered through the MMFA.
Please VISIT www.bluebombers.com/youth-football-bellmts. to apply.
We love to help support our players, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
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