The Senior Girls division is made up of children ages 15-18. Our Senior Girls football is a
7 V 7 division played on a 110 yards long by 40 yards wide field of play. Our Senior Girls compete with other clubs throughout Winnipeg and surrounding areas. This is a competitive division with a win/loss records to determine a playoff seeding. This season start in May and ends with a championship game mid to late June. Practices for this league start mid to late April
Our Senior girls won the MGFA championship last season.
The East Side Eagles Football Club believes that all youth who want to play football should be able to play. As such, financial aid is available for those who qualify.
Payment options are also available through the online registration.
Applying for financial support?
Contact before you register.
Tackle Football Registration Step-by-step:
1) Go to our registration page and select your child's age division.
2) Create an account or login.
3) Follow the steps and enter all required information.
4) Pay the full amount on-line, register for an installment payment plan, or make arrangements to pay in-person.
5) Check your email for your registration confirmation.
6) Download the Teamlinkt app and connect with your team!
Copyright © 2024 East Side Eagles Football Club - All Rights Reserved.